Are You Losing Out?
Are You Losing Out? What do I mean??? How in the world would you be losing out on your online marketing business? By Brandon Gaille
When you try to optimize your webpage for mobile devices and do not have an ideal strategy, odds are that the process is costing your company revenue big time. If you want to run a failed mobile campaign, you can follow these 7 steps to make failure inevitable. Losing out on potential clients and revenue are what you want to avoid!
Step 1: Always Postpone the Creation of an Encompassing Strategy
One key component for a mobile optimization strategy is email optimization. Email conversion is of no use if your site is not optimized. As a result, you are bound to lose clients, money and conversion. It has been discovered that about 75% of Americans make use of their phones for sending emails.
This transforms to 40.1% of all email marketing campaign being viewed with mobile devices. This means that you stand a risk of losing 40.1% of clients if you are on the wrong side as for every 5 mobile device users, four will move to another website if your webpage is not opening fast on their device.
This is critical as you have just one chance to secure a client as only 3.3% of customers will try a website on a different device. It is recommended to make use of a coordinated email optimization strategy, linking optimized website contents. (This is Judy here, a Responsive WordPress Template fits this need – Responsive means “adaptable to the device that it is being viewed on”)
Step 2: Forget About Scale
This leads to loosing clients and conversion also. For every 10 American adults, 7 makes use of corrective glasses hence they do not fancy reading small fonts. If your emails are loaded with heavy images at 800 pixel wide, they will certainly be illegible at 250 pixel. If emails do not appear well on mobile devices, 70% of users would immediately delete the email. It is ideal to optimize for standard smart phone width of 360-480 pixels.
Step 3: After Sending, Do Not Page Attention
When you do not pay attention, you lose conversion. Sending emails at midnight or on a Saturday is wrong. They will surely not be read. It has been discovered that 23.6% of all emails are opened within 1 hour of sending. It is better to send emails between 10am and 12 noon rather than between 4 and 6pm.
Step 4: Skip the Demographics
When demographics are skipped, it leads to significant loss of conversion as demographic targeting is used by only successful marketers. It is discovered that 85% of digital marketers practice list segmentation and targeting as this method is listed as the most effective method of internet marketing. On mobile devices, men are 20% more likely to open email while women are 10% more likely to click within the email. Your email is more likely to be open on a smart phone as 80% of millennial’s own a cell phone, hence you must be aware of the demographic from mobile and adjust the content to suit the purpose.
Step 5: Focus on Just One Mobile Platform
This leads to loss of converting leads. It has been discovered that 46% of views are from iPhone’s, 28% are from Android phone and 25% are from iPad. The following four tips are recommended:
1. Lines should be short and pleasant.
2. Check the message for readability.
3. Flash and JavaScript should be removed from landing pages.
4. Emails should be optimized for every width.
Step 6: Hide the Call to Action
This will lead to loss of money and conversion. When you place a tiny call to action, you will eventually lose customers as 61% of users will immediately leave the site if they do not see what they are looking for. Call to action needs to be placed in a location where they do not have to scroll too far to see it.
Step 7: Make Purchasing Difficult
This leads to loss of conversion and money. When there are too much clicks, poor optimization and lots of hassle, these are ways to ensure customers do not purchase a product as for every 10 mobile users, 7 are more likely to make purchases from a friendlier site. “WOW” What great information! Not only are you losing potential customer’s but you are losing revenue as well!
I enjoy sharing quality content with you all. I subscribe to Brandon Gaille’s information – am a member of Tfollower the Twitter Guide and Follower Exchange and Brandon writes articles for them.